In Hong Kong, where Renminbi deposits are increasingly favoured over dollars, local banks are forced to go into the wholesale market to fund their dollar loans, raising the cost of the money they lend out. 在香港,由于人民币存款(相对于美元)日益受到青睐,当地一些银行被迫通过批发市场筹集美元,这提高了它们的放贷成本。
The construction of Expressways has the characteristics of strong public welfare, extra large amount of investment, diversified channel of fund raising, long term of investment recovery and large proportion of financial expenses in construction cost. 高速公路建设具有公益性强,投资特别大,资本金比例低,筹资渠道多种多样,投资回收期长,财务费用在建设成本中占的比例大等特点。
For the newly established medium and small-sized privately managed enterprises, the channel of raising funds is single and the cost for fund raising is low, while in the period of development, the channel for rais-ing funds is increasing, but the cost is high. 处于初创时期的中小民营企业,其内源融资渠道单一,且筹资成本较低,而到了发展时期,其外源融资渠道增多,但融资成本较高。
Under the impossibility of constructing privatized enterprises commercial banks, in order to solve the problem fund raising difficulties of SMEs, encouraging privatized enterprises to establish social credit organization is a risky and relative low cost option. 在尚未建立民营商业银行的情况下,为了解决中小企业融资难问题,鼓励民营企业建立社区信用组织是一个风险和成本均较低的选择。
As to these companies, it is of long-term significance and realistic importance to search for the smooth channel of fund raising, enough capital for construction, decrease of the cost for fund raising and financial risks. 对这些公司来说,如何通过各种畅通的筹资渠道,筹集足够的建设资金,降低筹资成本和财务风险具有非常重要的现实和长远意义。
This paper suggests that the financing cost of the convertible bond financing consists of fund raising cost, face interest and conceal cost. 提出了可转换债券融资的资金成本是由筹资费用、票面利息和隐性成本三项构成,并给出了成本计量的方法;
In the chapter of economic evaluation of project, the paper firstly estimates the component part of project cost, cost ratio and its time schedule in respect of project enforcement, and secondly studies the fund raising channel and financial cost of a project. 项目经济评价,先从项目实施的角度对项目费用的组成、费用的比率、项目的时间进度进行了估算,并分析了资金筹措的渠道和财务费用;
Accounting value target is a mechanism, including capital cost minimum in fund raising stage, assets cost minimum in purchase stage, value multiplication maximization in production stage, value realization maximization in sales stage, and essential factor owner value maximization in assignment stage. 会计价值目标是一个体系,包括筹资阶段资本成本最小化、购买阶段的资产成本最小化,生产阶段的价值增殖最大化、销售阶段的价值实现最大化、分配阶段的要素所有者价值最大化。
According to the theories on finance and economics, as the financial market develops, the capital socialization has been promoted, which further reduces the enterprises 'fund raising cost. The increasing fund raising proportion can bring about the fulfillment of efficient resource allocation. 传统的金融与经济关系理论认为,金融市场的发展促进了资本的社会化,同时也降低了企业外部融资的成本,企业外部融资比重的提高有利于社会资源配置效率的实现。
The fund raising cost of the financial circumstance good area and the financial circumstance general area have been dropped nearly 2/ 3 during 6 years, the financial circumstance poor area has been dropped nearly 1/ 2. 结果2003年至2009年,武陟县新农合筹资成本总体下降了近60万元,其中经济状况较好地区和经济状况一般地区6年间均下降了近2/3,经济状况较差地区下降了近1/2。
Although there is no maturity debt-servicing problems for rights and interests fund raising, the enterprise will give the owners of equity capital and also the shareholders for dividends annually, in theory, its fund raising cost is relatively large. 权益筹资虽然不存在到期还本付息的问题,但企业对权益资金所有者,即普通股股东一般每年都要进行分红,理论上来讲,其筹资成本又比较大。
As one financing side, the entrepreneurs should compare the superiors and inferiors of different methods of fund raising for choosing the most appropriate, lowest cost, the general terms most favorable method. 作为融资方,中小型科技企业应该通过对不同融资方式的优劣进行对比,选择对其最适合、成本最低、综合条件最有利的融资方式。